Wellsaw Blade Support Standard (Item #645-401) This is a standard duty Wellsaw blade support that comes stock on the 404 Wellsaw.
Wellsaw Blade 17" (Item# 645-400)
Wellsaw Blade Standard (Item #645-399) This is a standard duty Wellsaw blade with 8 fine teeth per inch. Fits the 404 Wellsaw.
Wellsaw Blade Support Heavy Duty (Item #645-348) This is a heavy duty Wellsaw blade support for the 404 Wellsaw.
Wellsaw Blade Heavy Duty (Item #645-347) This is a heavy duty Wellsaw blade for the 404 Wellsaw. 4 teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 142" (Item #699-315) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 135" (Item #699-314) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 128" (Item #699-313) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 126" (Item #699-312) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 124" (Item #699-311) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 118" (Item #699-306) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 116" (Item #699-310) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 112" (Item #699-302) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 110" (Item #670-165) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 106" (Item #699-308) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 98" (Item # 699-301) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 96" (Item # 699-309) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 93" x 3/4" Wide (Item #699-281) Fits #632-281 band saw .025" thick
Meat Saw Blade 91" (Item # 699-299) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 82" (Item #699-320) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 78" (Item #699-303) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 78" Scalloped (Item #699-296) Four teeth per inch. Scalloped teeth for cutting boneless meat with no waste.
Meat Saw Blade 77" LEM (Item #699-319) Four teeth per inch. Fits saw (Item# 632-370)
Meat Saw Blade 77" Scalloped (Item #699-297) Scalloped teeth for cutting boneless meat with no waste.
Meat Saw Blade 77" (Item #699-298) Four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 72" (Item # 699-300) This saw blade is 72 X 5/8 in size and four teeth per inch.
Meat Saw Blade 65" (Item #699-317) Four teeth per inch. Fits ProProcessor table saw 600-567.
Butcher Saw Blade 65" Scalloped (Item #699-322) Made for cutting boneless meat.